Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Whatever The Weather

First it was the mild winter weather, then rain, then the vicious winds which ripped two of our poly tunnels (they've been patched up so salad leaves saved), and now the big freeze that we've all been waiting for.  It's now wonder us Brits are so weather obsessed. 

Our vegetables are pretty weather intrigued and have been doing strange things, but we seem to have it all under control.  It can make planning what we plant and when challenging, but Andrew, who has been growing our gorgeous vegetables now for over 25 years, has learnt to be flexible after all this is nature and we cannot dictate what happens, we have no influence over our weather system.

Luckily our vegetables are pretty robust and we have plenty of green leafed varieties to satisfy every hungry soul. Our cabbages have done particularly well along with the very popular and perfect purple sprouting broccoli.  Our enormous lush leeks have been admired by all and we still have plenty of hardy and sensational squashes and those, either love or hate them nuggets of greenness -yes the humble sprout. This all comes with a warning as we are about to enter our hungry season when things become leaner, and creative cooking comes into its own - so if you have any great recipes that show how to stretch your vegetables do let us know.  On display in the shop soon will be a wonderful recipe for stuffed onions which only really needs 2 onions to feed about 8 people, it's a real winter winner..