Cookery Skills
We are delighted that Diana Green will be here again over the summer, teaching kids some really useful and interesting cookery skills. They will be able to get their hands dirty and stuck in to some fascinating and exciting methods.
Diana takes the children out on to the plot here and lets the children pick what they need to make some deliciously tasty meals. They wash and prepare them here in our open barn and then use a variety of different methods including hot smoking.
We naturally feel it only right that we join in a little and help with the taste testing! Last year the children cooked wonderful dishes and enthused about the fun they had with Diana, and that they enjoyed learning ways of cooking that their parents didn't even know how to do.
In the past the children have learned how to skin a rabbit (not for the squeamish), they cooked heart and they were able to pick and chose the vegetables they wanted to eat, so each child's dish was individual to them.
If you are interested in either day, July 25th or August 22nd do give Diana a call on 01725 518412 or if you want to get a group of children together on another day, Diana will be able to add dates to suit.
Happy Cooking!!