Tuesday, 19 February 2013

A Project

We have embarked on a new and exciting project here at the Farm.  So we can make better use of some of our fields since giving up on rearing cows we looked at several possibilities, including a solar farm, but for reasons including the damage to our organic land, and the controversy it might cause in the village we dismissed this plan.  We did instead, plump for a woodland, feeling this fitted in with the ethos of the farm, would enhance the village and fields here, encourage wildlife to thrive and leave a lasting legacy.

We have been hard at it, in all weathers, including a snow storm which covered our materials so quickly we couldn't find our spirals.  We have 9,000 trees of all kinds of varieties, Oak, Silver Birch, Cherry etc.. all randomly planted in perfect lines.  We've had an army of volunteers to help and to date we are about 3/4 of the way there.  We will from time to time release picture updates as these little twigs begin to grow, and 20 years from now we will have our healthy woodland.

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