Sunday 25 March 2012

Our New Easter Arrival

If you have ever visited us here at Goldhill Organic Farm, you will know that we have a gang of chickens with serious attitude.  They freely strut about the farm clearly in charge of all that they survey.  They argue with each other, they turn up in the shop and cafe crowing loudly and then run off laughing (in the way that chickens do), they are regularly found taking their pick to the very best of Andrew's vegetables on the plot without regard for his carefully laid out rows of perfection.  They lay eggs in random places which we rarely find, and have been seen charging at the farm cat who is clearly petrified of this unruly lot.

Yesterday, totally unexpected, while looking for a rake in one of the hay barns Richard found this gorgeous little chick (in fact there are two of them), wandering about with their mum.  We salute her nurturing skills and the marvel of nature and welcome our new organic arrivals to Goldhill Organic Farm.  A perfect Easter gift.